Therapeutic Actions
- Relieves redness and painful swelling of sores and rashes
- Stops the formation of pus
- Speeds recovery of rashes and sores
- Reduces itching by soothing skin and stopping allergic reactions
- Moistens dry skin
Small Size: 11.7oz (332g)
Large Size: 1lb 9.2oz (715g)
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If this is your first order, we strongly recommend you purchase the large size as a small size will not be sufficient to effectively address the problem.
Allergic Skin Reaction for Horses™
Indicative Signs and Symptoms:
- Dry or itchy patches of skin
- Welts or Bumps
- Crusty scabs along topline and hindquarters(Rain Rot)
- Rubbing tail head
- Dew Poisoning, also known as Scratches, on lower legs or muzzle
- Sweet Itch
The skin is the body’s largest protective organ; it defends the inner structures of the body from the outside environment. Although it consists of many layers and is tough and resilient, if the skin is compromised too much, the horse’s health is at risk. One of the most common problems affecting the horse’s skin is skin allergies, many of which are caused by hypersensitivity to insect bites. The resulting itchy swelling is often called “sweet itch”.
Allergic skin reactions can be triggered by almost any type of insect, including flies, and the heat of Spring and Summer make these allergic reactions worse. A horse suffering from such allergic reactions often has patches of dry itchy skin that they will rub raw or welts that are weepy, bloody and can become infected.
Another type of skin reaction that can occur during a rainy period is called “rain rot.” In this condition “crusts” develop on the horse’s skin where bacteria multiply creating a bacterial infection. Horses that are physically stressed and/or have a deficient immune system are particularly susceptible to rain rot. If this happens to your horse use Total Immune Health along with Allergic Skin Reaction to take care of the bacterial infection while addressing the skin reaction.
The therapeutic actions of the herbs in this formula are directed to the skin and the deeper tissue just under the skin. They relieve the redness and painful swelling of sores and rashes, stop the formation of pus, speed recovery and clear the dead tissue associated with rashes and sores. This herbal solution reduces itching by soothing the skin and stopping the allergic reactions. It also moistens skin dryness to relieve that component.
Therapeutic Actions:
- Relieves redness and painful swelling of sores and rashes
- Stops the formation of pus
- Speeds recovery of rashes and sores
- Reduces itching by soothing skin and stopping allergic reactions
- Moistens dry skin
Ingredients: sheng di huang, hu ma ren within a proprietary blend.
If this is your first order, we strongly recommend you purchase the large size as a small size will not be sufficient to effectively address the problem.