Additional Resources


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Insulin Resistance Horse Herbs Health

Insulin Resistance, What is it really?
By Joseph Thomas, PhD

Immune System Horse Herbs Health

The Wonders of the Horse's Immune System
By Joseph Thomas, PhD

Healing Horse Herbs Health

Healing from Humans to Horses with Dr. Thomas
by Dutch Henry

Blood Analysis Horse Herbs Health

A Lesson in Blood Chemistry Analysis
By Joseph Thomas, PhD


The Relationship Between Natural Hoof Wall Growth and Laminitis
By Joseph Thomas, PhD

Horse Herbs Health

The Easy Keeper: Myth and Dangers
By Joseph Thomas, PhD

Laminitis Horse Herbs Health

The Missing Link in Laminitis: Healthy Horse - Laminitic Horse
By Joseph Thomas, PhD

Laminitis Horse Herbs Health

The Immune Laminitis Connection
By Joseph Thomas, PhD

Insulin Resistance Horse Herbs Health

IR – Insulin Resistance: What is it really?
By Joseph Thomas, PhD

Research Horse Herbs Health

Equine Research: A Question of Values
By Joseph Thomas, PhD & Crystal Leaman

Uveitis Horse Herbs Health

Moon Blindness (Uveitis): How it Happens and How it Progresses
By Joseph Thomas, PhD

Horse Herbs Health

Contemporary Chinese Herbalism
By Joseph Thomas, PhD

Laminitis Horse Herbs Health

Take the Guesswork Out of Predicting Laminitis
By Joseph Thomas, PhD



Jesse Doe Horse Herbs Health

Jesse Doe's Story - How For Love of the Horse began
By Crystal Leaman

Jesse Doe Horse Herbs Health

Jesse Doe This Sweet September
By Crystal Leaman

Laboratory Blood Work Horse Herbs Health

A Tragic Story with A Happy Ending: Patterns of Chinese Herbalism and Laboratory Blood Work
By Joseph Thomas, PhD


Care and Management

Immediate and Long Term Care for Your Foundered Horse

Care and Management of a Horse with a Tendon Injury



The Metabolic Syndrome Progression Curve - download

Dr. Thomas’s new model of the metabolic syndrome in horses is presented with clarity and excitement. He describes a predictable “time course” beginning with the onset of Insulin Resistance that then advances and follows a sequence of measurable parameters with accompanying consequences such as laminitis and other health problems whose risk increases with the progression

Laminitis: Looking more like diabetes all the time with Dr Joseph Thomas - download

This show is an absolute MUST HEAR for any horse caretaker.  Dr. Thomas explains how metabolic issues happen to horses and how that plays into laminitis.  Although invaluable for those who have "Easy Keepers", this model of diabetes is a breakthrough in laminitis research and will benefit everyone