Colic Solution for Horses

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Therapeutic Actions

  • Brings back the intestinal muscle contractions needed for peristalsis
  • Significantly lubricates (moistens) the intestines
  • Promotes purgative action to cause the intestines to empty
  • Eases painful spasms

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Choke Solution for Horses 325g
Colic Solution for Horses 345g

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Colic Solution

Colic Horse Herbs HealthAmong domesticated horses, colic is the leading cause of premature death. And the incidence of colic in the general horse population within any given year is approximately 10%. Colic is not a diagnosis though but rather just a general term used to describe acute abdominal pain. While there are many causes and they are difficult to delineate, the effects range from a mild transitory disturbance to critical and life threatening. When you first notice the signs of colic there is no way for the average horse owner to delineate the causes or course the symptoms will take. For this reason we recommend that in any colic situation, you begin with calling your veterinarian.

Common signs of colic pain:

  • No interest in food or eating
  • Pawing repeatedly
  • Stretching
  • Frequent attempts to urinate
  • Flank watching: turning their heads to look at their stomach and/or hind quarters
  • Biting or nipping their stomach
  • Pacing
  • Repeated Flehmen response
  • Repeated lying down and rising
  • Rolling
  • Decreased fecal output
  • Increased pulse rate
  • Little to no gut sounds
  • Sweating behind the ears, flanks, chest or neck when the horse has not been running or worked

Therapeutic Actions:

  • Brings back the intestinal muscle contractions needed for peristalsis
  • Significantly lubricates (moistens) the intestines
  • Promotes purgative action to cause the intestines to empty
  • Eases painful spasms


Dosage: 6 scoops [mixed in water] by syringe immediately, if no clear results repeat the same dosage in 15 minutes. This process may be repeated up to 3 times. This dosage is for an average weight adult horse - adjust for miniatures and draft horses accordingly. These herbs have also been shown to be especially effective when a veterinarian tubed them into the horse. Use a double dosage diluted in 1 quart of water. Given the many sources of colic, we cannot guarantee that this Herbal Solution will take care of the issue. For that reason, we strongly recommend that you contact your veterinarian immediately given any colic situation. 

Ingredients: zhi shi and xing ren within a proprietary blend.

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1 Product Reviews - Average rating 5 / 5 (Show All)
Amazing Product
- 01/17/2023
I've been using other products for my EMS mare and had the Colic Solution on hand. As I've lost other horses to colic over the years, it seemed prudent to have in the tool box.
So in November 2022, my 20 yo gelding Beau, appeared to be colicking early one morning and was running a fever. So we immediately gave him one dose, waited 15 minutes...nothing happened, gave him another dose and he passed gas! Then waited another 15 minutes and nothing, so gave him another dose and he now we're hoping motility is being restored. Finally waited 15 again and nothing, gave him another dose and he passing manure!
While all this is happening, his fever is climbing. So whatever he is fighting has caused the colic...
Once we had motility, I switched to Total Immune Formula (TIF) and gave him 8 scoops every four hours until his fever broke about 5pm. Blanketed and continued to monitor his vital signs until I finally went to bed after a final dose of TIF.
The next morning he's looking and acting his nread more

Horse Colic Solution Success Stories


I've been using other products for my EMS mare and had the Colic Solution on hand. As I've lost other horses to colic over the years, it seemed prudent to have in the tool box. So, in November 2022, my 20 y/o gelding, Beau,... Read More >


I had suggested the colic formula to a few customers to try after hearing about good results although I hadn't tried it myself. Several of my customers ended up having to use the formula and it worked well... Read More >

Horse Health Herbs

Remi was not drinking water, was impacted thus not pooping. This went on for two long days, and that's when my friend's sister came with her Colic Solution. Read More >

Horse Health Herbs

We were on the second day of a two day show and I was just cleaning up breakfast while the girls were warming up horses in the arena.  I turned around when I heard my oldest daughter yelling "Mom, Mom!" I saw her ripping off the saddle of our trusted AQHA gelding Big Red.   Read More >

Horse Health Herbs

Rashid is not just a horse. He is a companion, a friend, a soul mate, and a blazing bridge straight from my childhood, through my professional career and on into my "golden years." Read More >

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