MMP Stop Solution for Horses

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Therapeutic Actions

  • Quickly blocks toxic overload at the hoof
  • Stops laminae separation of acute episode
  • "Shuts off" MMP enzyme's floodgate release

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MMP Stop Solution

Indicative Signs and Symptoms:

  • For an acute laminitic episode
  • High intake of fructans (sweet grass or grain overload] for IR horses)

Laminitis Horse Herbs HealthThe actual laminae separation/stretching occurs shortly after a trigger “event” and comes about through a floodgate release of the enzyme known as MMP [matrix metalloproteinase] leading to coffin bone rotation. In a healthy system, this enzyme is well regulated and its release provides the “flexibility” in connective structures the hoof needs for healthy hoof wall growth. But when there is an overload of toxicity in the blood, this enzyme’s inhibitory function fails and the floodgate opens.

Grass Founder is one example of how the release of MMPs becomes uncontrolled. The fructans (sugar and carbohydrate aspect) in grass are quickly fermented by the bacteria in the hind gut (colon) of the horse. A high intake of fructans dramatically changes the bacterial population in the hind gut causing a massive overgrowth of the bacteria known as Streptococcus bovi. This damages the lining of the colon releasing toxins into the bloodstream. When these toxins reach the hoof they cause an unrestricted release of MMPs and initiate laminae separation.

MMP Stop Solution quickly blocks the toxic overload at the hoof. The prevention of further contamination of the hoof with toxic blood restores the MMP regulation to a state where laminae separation is stopped. When the regulation of the MMPs is reestablished, the hoof can begin to heal.

We advise keeping this product on hand if your horse has a predisposition or a history of laminitis.

Read Dr. Thomas' article "The Relationship Between Natural Hoof Wall Growth and Laminitis" to gain a greater understanding of MMPs in Hoof Wall Growth and their contribution to a laminitic episode.

Laminitis Horse Herbs HealthIf you have a founder, MMP Stop Solution is the best to have on hand for "first responder/first aid"...
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Therapeutic Actions:

  • Quickly blocks toxic overload at the hoof
  • Stops laminae separation of acute episode
  • "Shuts off"MMP enzyme's floodgate release

Dosage: 6 scoops 2X per day for 3-5 days

Do not give Natural Pain Relief along with MMP Stop during the first 48 hours of a laminitic event.

Ingredients: wu wei zi, huang lian within a proprietary blend.

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1 Product Reviews - Average rating 5 / 5 (Show All)
MMP Stop Formula
- 07/04/2021
Thankfully I've not had to use this too often but I sure never want to be without it!!!
It's terrific insurance to help them if they get in trouble ~

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Horse Health Herbs

Any vet would have put him down 10 times in that 20 day period, and we considered it more than once, but he rebounded and is now happy as a pig in mud.  He went to be a five year old girls' first pony, on Christmas day.  He has a new lease on life. We thank you. Read More >

Horse Health Herbs I immediately put them on MMP stop - and they NEVER GOT SORE!!! This is a first and I feel it is because they have been on the other formulas in addition to the MMP Stop. Thank you Dr. Thomas!  Read More >
Horse Health Herbs If you have a founder, MMP Stop Solution is the best to have on hand for "first responder/first aid"... Read More >
Pony Boo Pony Boo is doing remarkably better. I am in awe. When I let the horses out this morning after their morning hay, Pony Boo walked out with them! Read More >
Saddlebred I am writing to thank you for making available your wonderful Chinese herbal blends for horses. I have a 20 year old Saddlebred who has Equine Metabolic Syndrome... Read More >
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