Tammy Mason, Plattsmouth, NE

BulletBulletMy horse, Bullet is a typical easy keeper, Missouri Fox trotter. Was a perfect horse, never needing any supplements was barefoot all the time and then all of a sudden was very tender footed, lethargic, cresty neck, swollen sheath. I had blood work done and came back IR and low thyroid. From there I think I tried everything on the market, he just got worse, got laminitis, was always laying down, very short and stiff strides. I was so afraid I was going to have to put him down. I soaked his feet in ice water everyday. Finally, someone told me about For Love of the Horse, and I bought the herbs for EMS/Cushing’s/IR, within a week he was improving and was so much better within 3 weeks. It has now been over 1 year and knock on wood, he has not had a relapse and we are back to riding again. I honestly must have tried at least 8 different things on him before and nothing worked.

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EMS/Cushing's/IR Solution for Horses 720g

Discounts Apply !
Price: $149.00